By Ahmed Mohammed

Ethiopia’s participation in the 2024 BRICS summit marks a significant milestone in its global engagement and commitment to fostering equitable global development and security. As the first-time attendee, Ethiopia’s inclusion in the prestigious group underscores its growing influence and role in shaping the global agenda.

Led by distinguished representatives such as Governor Mammo Mihretu of the National Bank of Ethiopia and State Minister of Foreign Affairs Misganu Arga, Ethiopia arrives in Moscow with a resolute dedication to deepening its ties with BRICS+ member countries. Governor Mammo, in his impassioned opening remarks, articulated Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to collaborative efforts aimed at unlocking fresh avenues for economic growth, addressing financial challenges, and catalyzing investment opportunities across borders.

In a spirit of inclusivity and fairness, Governor Mammo urged fellow member countries to join hands in fostering a more inclusive, fair, and efficient global economic landscape. His call resonates deeply with the ethos of BRICS, which has evolved from its original five members to embrace a diverse coalition of ten nations, including Ethiopia, united in their pursuit of shared prosperity and stability.

The 2024 summit, chaired by Russia under the theme of “Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security,” reflects the collective resolve of BRICS nations to confront pressing global issues through dialogue and cooperation. With a comprehensive agenda comprising over 200 events across various Russian cities, the summit promises to be a pivotal forum for shaping the future trajectory of international relations.

As the BRICS foreign ministers convene in Nizhny Novgorod and high-level deliberations unfold in Kazan later this year, Ethiopia stands ready to contribute constructively to the discourse, leveraging its unique perspective and experiences to advance the shared goals of the bloc. Through sustained collaboration and mutual support, BRICS nations reaffirm their commitment to forging a more just, prosperous, and secure world for generations to come.

Source: EBC

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