Deputy Prime minister and Foreign Minister, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen held discussions with the Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation, H.E. Caroline Gennez, at his office today.
H.E. Demeke appreciated the timely visit of the Minister and congratulated Belgium for assuming presidency in the Council of the European Union.
H.E. Demeke Mekonnen underscored the importance of strengthening bilateral relations and development cooperation in the areas of education, health, and human capital development.
H.E. Demeke also stressed the importance of the ongoing national dialogue and transitional justice process and affirmed the commitment of the Government for the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement.
Highlighting the continual efforts of the Government, H.E. Demeke also underscored the need for a concerted efforts to mitigate the existing climate challenges.
He also said that Ethiopia works towards ensuring collective security and regional economic cooperation.
H.E. Caroline, on her part, stressed the importance of enhancing the existing cooperation of the two countries and reiterated the commitment of the Belgian government to work with Ethiopia particulary on humanitarian issues.

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