The House of People’s Representatives of Ethiopia has approved appointments of three high level government officials as nominated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD).

Accordingly, Temesgen Truneh has been appointed as Deputy Prime Minister while Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie and Dr. Mekdes Daba have been approved as Ministers of Foreign Affair and Health respectively.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has tabled profiles of the appointees referring to their leadership and professional careers at different levels as the house approved the nomination unanimously.

Temesgen Tiruneh who has recently been appointed as Deputy President of the ruling Prosperity Part served at different levels of leadership including high positions as Chief Administrator of the Amhara Regional State and Director General of the National Intelligence and Security Service.

Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie who was the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations served as Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed till the new appointment.

Dr. Mekdes Daba, a senior obstetrician and gynecologist and a public health specialist, served as Managing Director of the Centre for International Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT), Chair Civil Society Advisory Group of UN Women Ethiopia and a team leader in the Office of Deputy Director General of the World Health Organization in Geneva.

Source: FBC

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