Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen thanked staff and leaders of the Ministry for their significant contribution during his leadership.

In his speech at the farewell program, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, said that the leadership experience of Demeke was exceptional.

He also said that he will continue on strengthening the good works that he had started in the Ministry during his tenure.

State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, on her part also expressed that Demeke played a key role in generating problem-solving ideas and providing decisive leadership for our country to overcome the challenges it was facing.

She also mentioned that he contributed to Ethiopia’s success in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.

Demeke, on his part, thanked the staff and management for the recognition and said that he will spend the rest of his time helping the institution and country.

Head office leaders, employees, managers and employees of affiliated institutions were present at the send-off and recognition ceremony.

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